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Folds :   of people , objects , space.

Folds as a metaphor is taken to understand the relationship between the physicality of the space and its experience. The metaphor thus , helps to put together various ways in which objects / people congregate , configure and act in the public realm. The set of observations looks at these patterns, which emerge from the dense spatiality of a neighborhood in Cheetha camp. 


The space beneath the staircase is used as storage; 
sometimes enclosed with jalli.

This allows them to have a watchful gaze to the passerby

Men occupy the narrow openings to the large central space ; 

wall besides the pan shop becomes a blind spot , as it blocks the field of vision 

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The space between the back wall of pathology lab and the entrance of toilet  becomes dead space , thus used as place to smoke .

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folds of play :

This also allows women to watch over their kids 

The threshold spaces of the houses become gathering spaces for women .

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sections :

ground floor plan :

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first floor plan :

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